Tapping in with Abanoub Ramsis

Meet the Egyptian director whose selective eye and creative genius have made him the secret weapon of top artists across the region.

Tapping in with Abanoub Ramsis
Menna Shanab

Egyptian Director Abanoub Ramsis (Instagram) is always tuned in, listening, observing—a creative sponge absorbing the world around him, sinking into his environment, picking at the fringes of reality to unravel hidden messages ripe for the taking. “Everything I see, feel, and experience in my daily life inspires me,” he says. “A movie scene, a conversation, something I notice on a walk… Each encounter adds a layer to my creative vision, allowing me to craft visuals that actually resonate.”

Reading between the lines, peering behind closed doors, lingering on a seemingly normal sign Ramsis finds seeds of inspiration scattered in every corner, translating these fleeting moments and mundane observations into stories and visuals for millions to watch.

It’s this hyper-awareness, honed over years of soaking in the sensory overload of urban life that enables him to tap into the zeitgeist, his work often mirroring and even anticipating cultural trends.

This heightened awareness finds its roots in his childhood. His imagination has always been his playground, running free in its boundless landscapes. He reflects, “As an only child, I created stories and characters in my head, naming them and embarking on countless adventures.” This early immersion in fantasy fueled a life-long pull to visual storytelling. “The concept of taking an idea from my imagination and transforming it into a visual form that everyone can see has always fascinated me,” he says.

In Egypt, Ramsis was enmeshed in the frenetic energy and busy layers of the production world in the country’s capital, Cairo. While some artists need peace and quiet to focus and create, to get into—and stay in— the flow state, others need chaos, movement, life: swarms of people, animated faces, cacophonies of honks, the occasional spirited bellow—to be soaked and steeped in this pleasurable disarray. “It’s the streets of Cairo that have had the biggest impact on me. I am truly a city person. The honking cars, crowds, and the kaleidoscope of local shop signs—it all adds fuel to my creative flame.”

Every corner of Cairo, he found, told a story. “Whether it’s through the architecture, the people, or the sounds that create the city’s soundtrack, this urban chaos is a crucial part of my creative process,” Ramsis explains. “It offers me a raw and unfiltered glimpse into everyday life that I strive to capture and reflect in my work.”

As important as this phase was for coaxing his creative fire, Ramsis eventually sought a change of pace – a different wavelength to sync with. Still urban, still bustling but with a completely different flavour than Cairo, Dubai offered Ramsis a contrasting canvas. Sleek buildings, minimalism— a different kind of fast life. “Living in Dubai has exposed me to a new urban environment—one that’s more polished and cosmopolitan,” he noted. Its modernity and innovation helped expand my creative horizons. The city has given me the chance to meet people from all around the world, daily, which opened my mind to countless new perspectives.”

This ability to extract inspiration from his surroundings, coupled with years of grinding in the gritty underbelly of media production, has imbued his work with a distinct feel and aesthetic – a well-practiced signature. “I approach every project as a unique entity,” he explains, “each with its own aesthetic and mood. I aim to deliver something fresh each time, while still maintaining my personal touch – meticulous attention to detail, cohesive colour palettes, and an innovative approach to fusing clean, futuristic, and trappy elements, regardless of the medium.”

Abanoub Ramsis

Abanoub Ramsis has a discerning eye that extends to his choice of projects. He’s become a sought-after collaborator, but he remains highly selective, focusing exclusively on projects that he feels a genuine connection to, giving it his all every time. This dedication to his craft shines through in his growing repertoire of notable projects, like the music video for “Falling for You” by Zambian artist Taurai or the cover album art for Marwan Pablo’s “The Last Piece of Art.” The collaborative process and rapid turnaround made possible with the help of stylist/creative Amer Moubark, remain a highlight.

Abanoub Ramsis

More recently, the music video for Dana Hourani’s “ANA,” featuring Nordo and Anas, presented a unique opportunity for Ramsis. Not only was it his first time collaborating with a female artist, but it also served as a fresh canvas for experimentation. “I loved experimenting with the colour palette we used,” he recalls, “pushing the boundaries of my usual aesthetic to create something that truly reflected Dana’s vision and the spirit of the song.”

For Ramsis, the journey of creating a music video is a harmonious dance between artist and director, a series of revisions, explorations, and refinements where their creative spheres collide and overlap. “When working on a music video,” he explains, “I start by meeting with the artist to establish a personal connection and understand their vision. We discuss where they want to take their audience, what story they want to tell.”

Abanoub Ramsis

This initial immersion is crucial. “Once I have a clear understanding, I spend time alone listening to the song repeatedly, often over several days,” Ramsis reveals. This iterative process often leads him to unexpected places. “Instead of jumping on the first idea that comes to mind, I deliberately explore multiple concepts, typically focusing on the second or even third idea.”

The final product ends up being something that not only captures the quintessence of the music, but that also reflects the dynamic between the artist and himself. This collaborative spirit is most obvious in his partnership with Egyptian rapper Marwan Pablo. “My partnership with Marwan began over a year ago,” he recalls. “From the very start, I was struck by his genuine passion and dedication to his craft. Pablo’s authenticity is undeniable, and it shines through in everything he does.”

Abanoub Ramsis

Ramsis describes their collaboration as a “deep friendship” built on mutual respect and trust and tied together by this shared drive to push further, do the unexpected, bend the rules, and surprise people. “I’ve had the privilege of seeing the behind-the-scenes moments where Marwan’s creative input shapes every aspect of our projects,” he shares. “This level of involvement, combined with our shared commitment to excellence, is what makes our work together so special. We trust each other, we challenge each other, and we always strive to create something that pushes the boundaries of what’s possible.”

For Abanoub Ramsis, it’s this synergy, this alchemical blend of talent and trust that ultimately elevates a music video from a visual accompaniment to a true work of art.

For more stories of art and culture, like this interview with Abanoub Ramsis, visit our dedicated archives.