Giorgio Armani Brings His Neve Skiwear Label To St Moritz

Streetwear inspired by Skiwear

Giorgio Armani Brings His Neve Skiwear Label To St Moritz
Yaseen Dockrat

Armani breathed new life into his Neve Skiwear collection when he presented his 2022 Winter collection in St Moritz on Saturday. Armani relaunched his skiwear line back in 2018 after the success of E7, the brand’s subsidiary sportswear label. The word Neve translates to snow in Italian, and the collection was set in a contemporary fashion landscape where urban and sportswear clothing cross paths, but more importantly, where skiwear reigns supreme.



โ€œWhat makes Neve different is the balance of performance and style, and the span of the offer, which is dedicated both to skiing and aprรจs skiโ€, the designer said. The show was held at the Olympic Stadium, a fitting venue, which served as the home of two Winter Olympic Games. โ€œYou wonโ€™t find bright colours in it, and the selection is not limited to technical fabrics.โ€


While the clothing in the line-up offers authentic skiwear, encompassing all the technical demands of the sport, the show was a demonstration of the urban style that dominates the city on the slopes. The collection was filled with stylish skiwear that included fitted padded trousers matched with a puffer jacket that delivers insulation from the cold. The collection also screams streetwear appeal, from knitted flares and body-con sweaters to faux fur coats closed the show — the show provides something for everyone, and a fashion moment is certainly guaranteed.


Presented in partnership with the Swiss Tourist Board, the show’s setting was designed to minimise the brand’s environmental impact. ย Whether it be through avoiding single-use plastic and food waste or incentivising the reuse and recycling of materials where guests where encouraged to recycle the waste generated during the event, the company decided that it will offset all the carbon emissions at the event through nature-based solutions and made a commitment to reduce its environmental impact. It doesn’t end there, suppliers were also made to comply with the specific social and environmental clauses.


The Neve collection is dedicated to moments in the mountains, with a focus on outerwear and sports while reflecting the style and elegance of the brand long standing heritage. The collection is already available at the St. Moritz store, as well as at