Privacy Policy

  1. Introduction

This Data Policy sets out the obligations of THIS IS YUNG LLC, a company registered in THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, whose registered office is at Sharjah Media City (the ‘Company’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’) regarding data protection and the rights of our customers, suppliers, business contacts and employees in respect of their Personal Data under the applicable international regulations and national UAE laws and regulations in force (the “applicable laws”).

‘Personal Data’ is defined as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (a ‘Data Subject’, ‘you’, ‘your’ or “Data Subjects”); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of that natural person.

We wish to ensure that we are compliant with our role as set out under the applicable laws and as such this policy and the protocols it outlines are the principles which demonstrate our commitment regarding the collection, processing, transfer, storage, and disposal of your Personal Data. The protocols outlined here are followed at all times by the Company, its employees, agents, contractors, or other parties working on our behalf.

We are committed not only to the letter of the law, but also to the spirit of the law and we place a high importance on the correct, lawful, and fair handling of all Personal Data, respecting the legal rights, privacy, and trust of all individuals with whom we deal.

The Company’s nominated Data Protection Officer (‘DPO’) is Sandra Yeghiazarian who can be contacted by email at [email protected], in writing at the Company’s office address above. The responsibilities of our DPO are outlined in section B9 below.

  1. Data Protection Policy (“DP Policy”)

B1. Introduction
These following principles are settled out under with which any party handling Personal Data must comply. All Personal Data must be:

B2. Rights of the Data Subject
The applicable laws also clarify and enhance the rights of Data Subjects. As such, you have the right to:

B3. Lawful, Fair, and Transparent Data Processing
We cannot process any of your Personal Data if you have not given your consent to do so for one or more specific purposes, except if one of the following applies:

B4. Specified, Explicit, and Legitimate Purposes
We collect and process the Personal Data set out in section B20. This includes Personal Data we have collected directly from you and Personal Data obtained from third parties. We only collect, process, and hold Personal Data for the specific purposes set out in section B20 or for other purposes expressly permitted by the applicable laws. You have the right to be informed at all times of the purpose or purposes for which we use your Personal Data, as outlined in section B11.

B5. Adequate, Relevant, and Limited Data Processing
We only collect and process Personal Data for and to the extent necessary for the specific purpose or purposes about which you are informed (or will be informed) as per section B4, above, and as set out in section B20, below.

B6. Accuracy of Data and Keeping Data Up-to-Date
We ensure that all Personal Data collected, processed, and held by us is kept accurate and up-to-date. This includes, but is not limited to, the rectification of your Personal Data at your request, as set out in section B13, below. The accuracy of your Personal Data is checked when it is collected and at regular intervals thereafter. If any of your Personal Data is found to be inaccurate or out-of-date, we will take all reasonable steps without delay to amend, update or erase that data, as appropriate.

B7. Retaining Data
We will not keep Personal Data for any longer than is necessary in light of the purpose or purposes for which that Personal Data was originally collected, held, and processed. When Personal Data is no longer required, all reasonable steps will be taken to erase or otherwise dispose of it without delay.

Full details of our approach to data retention, including retention periods for specific Personal Data types held by us, are outlined in our Data Retention Policy below.

B8. Secure Processing
We ensure that all Personal Data collected, held, and processed is kept secure and protected against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage. Further details of the technical and organisational measures which are taken are provided in sections B21 to B22.

B9. Accountability and Record-Keeping
Our DPO is responsible for overseeing the implementation of this DP Policy and for monitoring compliance with this DP Policy and with the applicable laws and other applicable data protection legislation.

We keep written internal records of all Personal Data collection, holding, and processing, incorporating the following information:

B10. Data Protection Impact Assessments
Under specific and legal circumstances in compliance with the applicable laws and for any projects and/or uses of Personal Data which involve the use of new technologies and the processing involved is likely to result in a high risk to the privacy and confidentiality of Data Subjects Personal Data under the applicable laws, we will undertake Data Protection Impact Assessments. These assessments will be overseen by our DPO and will address the following:

B11. Keeping Data Subjects Informed
Where Personal Data is collected from you directly, you will be informed of its purpose or purposes at the time of collection. Where Personal Data is obtained from a third party, you will be informed of its purpose or purposes:

The following information shall be provided:

B12. Data Subject Access
You may make Subject Access Requests (‘SARs’) at any time to find out more about the Personal Data which we hold about you, what we are doing with that Personal Data, and why.

If you wish to make a SAR, you should do using a Subject Access Request Form from us, returning the completed form to our Data Protection Officer at our office. Responses to SARs will normally be made within one month of receipt, however this may be extended by up to two months if the SAR is complex and/or numerous requests are made. If such additional time is required, you will be informed.

All SARs received are handled by our DPO. We do not charge a fee for the handling of normal SARs. We do reserve the right to charge reasonable fees for additional copies of information that has already been supplied, and for requests that are manifestly unfounded or excessive, particularly where such requests are repetitive.

B13. Rectification of Personal Data
You have the right to require us to rectify any of your Personal Data that is inaccurate or incomplete without undue delay. We will rectify the Personal Data in question, and inform you of that rectification, within one month of you informing us of the issue. The period can be extended by up to two months in the case of complex requests, in which case you will be informed of such extension.

In the event that any affected Personal Data has been disclosed to third parties, those parties shall be informed of any rectification that must be made to that Personal Data.

B14. Erasure of Personal Data
You have “the right to be forgotten”. This means you have the right to request that we erase the Personal Data we hold about you without undue delay in one of the following circumstances:

Unless we have reasonable and legal grounds to refuse to erase Personal Data all requests for erasure shall be complied with, and you will be informed of the erasure, within one month of receipt of your request. The period can be extended by up to two months in the case of complex requests, and we will keep you informed.

In the event that any Personal Data that is to be erased in response to a Data Subject’s request has been disclosed to third parties, those parties shall be informed of the erasure (unless it is impossible or would require disproportionate effort to do so).

B15. Restriction of Personal Data Processing
You may request that we cease processing the Personal Data we hold about you under certain reasonable and legal circumstances. If you make such a request, will retain only the amount of your Personal Data (if any) that is necessary to ensure that the Personal Data in question is not processed further.

In the event that any affected Personal Data has been disclosed to third parties, those parties shall be informed of the applicable restrictions on processing it (unless it is impossible or would require disproportionate effort to do so).

B16. Data Portability
We may, in certain legal circumstances, process Personal Data using automated means. For example, individuals who provide their email address to one of our mailing lists will be recorded by our mailing system with no human intervention and our newsletters will be sent to you via an automated process.

Where you have given your consent to the Company to process your Personal Data in such a manner, such as subscribing to our newsletter above, or the processing is otherwise required for the performance of a contract between us, you have the right, under the applicable laws, to receive a copy of your Personal Data and to use it for other purposes (namely transmitting it to other data controllers). Such right shall not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

To facilitate the right of data portability, we shall make available all applicable Personal Data to you in the following format[s]:

Where technically feasible, if you request this specifically, your Personal Data can be sent directly to the required data controller.

All requests for copies of Personal Data shall be complied with within one month of your request. The period can be extended by up to two months in the case of complex or numerous requests and you shall be informed.

B17. Objections to Personal Data Processing
You have the right to object to us processing your Personal Data based on legitimate interests, direct marketing (including profiling), and processing for scientific and/or historical research and statistics purposes. If this is the case, we will cease such processing immediately, unless we can demonstrate that our legitimate grounds for such processing override your interests, rights, and freedoms, or that the processing is necessary for the conduct of legal claims.

We will rarely use your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes, but if we do and you object, we will cease such processing immediately.

B18. Automated Decision-Making
The Company does not use Personal Data in automated decision-making processes.

B19. Profiling
The Company does not use Personal Data for profiling purposes.

B20. Personal Data Collected, Held, and Processed
The following Personal Data is collected, held, and processed by the Company:

Data Type Purpose
Employee/Worker Data Personal data and information about our employees and workers. Employment contract specific (See section D below.)
Corporate Contacts Contact details and records about clients, suppliers, etc. Business interactions, contracts, invoices, etc.
Work-Related Contacts Contract details and records for individuals who have worked with us on client projects and producing our work, such as photographers, models, etc. Communication and interaction during the creation of our work.
Consumer Data Email addresses for individuals on our circulation and mailing lists. Communications, such as email newsletters, event invitations, etc.
Cookie Data Anonymised browsing data. See section E for our Cookie Policy, below.

B21. Data Security
Transferring Personal Data and Communications

We ensure that the following measures are taken with respect to all communications and other transfers involving Personal Data:

We ensure that the following measures are taken with respect to the storage of Personal Data:

When any Personal Data is to be erased or otherwise disposed of for any reason (including where copies have been made and are no longer needed), it will be securely deleted and disposed of. For further information on the deletion and disposal of Personal Data, please refer to our Data Retention Policy below.

Use of Personal Data
We ensure that the following measures are taken with respect to the use of Personal Data:

IT Security
We ensure that the following measures are taken with respect to IT and information security:

B22. Organisational Measures
We ensure that the following measures are taken with respect to the collection, holding, and processing of Personal Data:

B23. Transferring Personal Data Outside the country
We may from time to time need to transfer some of your Personal Data outside the country (‘transfer’ includes making available remotely). The transfer of Personal Data shall take place only if one or more of the following applies:

B24. Data Breach Notification

All Personal Data breaches must be reported immediately to our DPO. If a Personal Data breach occurs and that breach is likely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of Data Subjects (e.g. financial loss, breach of confidentiality, discrimination, reputational damage, or other significant social or economic damage), the DPO must ensure that the supervisory authority is informed of the breach without delay, and in any event, immediately upon becoming aware of it.

In the event that a Personal Data breach is likely to result in a risk to the privacy, confidentiality and security of Data Subjects Personal Data, the DPO must ensure that the supervisory authority and all affected Data Subjects are informed of the breach directly and without undue delay. It is required to provide the supervisory authority with the findings of any investigation, as well as other related information about the breach and its effects.

Data breach notifications shall include the following information:

  1. Data Retention Policy

The primary aim of this Data Retention Policy is to set out limits for the retention of Personal Data and to ensure that those limits, as well as further data subject rights to erasure, are complied with. By extension, this Data Retention Policy aims to ensure that we comply fully with our obligations and your rights under the applicable laws.

In addition to safeguarding your rights under the applicable laws, by ensuring that we don’t retain excessive amounts of data, this Data Retention Policy also aims to improve the speed and efficiency of managing data.

C1. Scope

This Data Retention Policy applies to all Personal Data held by us or third parties working on our behalf. Personal Data, held by us is stored in the following ways and in the following locations:

  1. Our computer servers, located in the UAE;
  2. Third-party servers, operated by our partners, service providers and contractors, such as payroll bureau;
  3. Computers provided by the Company;
  4. Laptop computers and other mobile devices provided by the Company to its employees;
  5. Computers and mobile devices owned by employees, agents, and sub-contractors;

C2. Data Subject Rights and Data Integrity

All Personal Data held by us is held in accordance with the requirements of the applicable laws and Data Subjects’ rights thereunder, as set out above in our DP Policy.

C3. Technical and Organisational Data Security Measures
Technical measures that are in place to protect the security of Personal Data are outlined in section B21 of our DP Policy above. Organisational measures are outlined in section B22.

All employees and other parties working on our behalf are made fully aware of both their individual responsibilities and the Company’s responsibilities under the applicable laws and under our DP Policy above.

C4. Data Disposal
Upon the expiry of the data retention periods set out below in section C5 of this Data Retention Policy, or when a Data Subject exercises their right to have their Personal Data erased, Personal Data shall be deleted, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of as follows:

C5. Data Retention Periods
As stated above, and as required by law, we will not retain any Personal Data for any longer than is necessary in light of the purpose(s) for which that data is collected, held, and processed.

Different types of Personal Data, used for different purposes, will necessarily be retained for different periods (and its retention periodically reviewed), as set out below.

When establishing and/or reviewing retention periods, the following shall be taken into account:

If a precise retention period cannot be fixed for a particular type of data, criteria shall be established by which the retention of the data will be determined, thereby ensuring that the data in question, and the retention of that data, can be regularly reviewed against those criteria.

Notwithstanding the following defined retention periods, certain Personal Data may be deleted or otherwise disposed of prior to the expiry of its defined retention period where a decision is made by us to do so (whether in response to a request by a Data Subject or otherwise).

In limited circumstances, it may also be necessary to retain Personal Data for longer periods where such retention is for archiving purposes that are in the public interest, for scientific or historical research purposes, or for statistical purposes. All such retention will be subject to the implementation of appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the rights and freedoms of Data Subjects, as required by the applicable laws.

Data Review Period Retention Period of Criteria
Employee/Worker Data Ongoing and continuous. At least seven years after employment termination.
Corporate Contacts Annually throughout the contract period. At least seven years after the contract termination.
Work-Related Contacts Annually. Basic contact information is retained indefinitely for future project work.
Consumer Data Annually. Retained indefinitely for ongoing communications.
Cookie Data See section E for our Cookie Policy, below.

C6.Roles and Responsibilities
Our DPO is responsible for overseeing the implementation of this Data Retention Policy and for monitoring compliance with this Data Retention Policy and with the applicable laws and other relevant data protection legislation. Any questions regarding this Data Retention Policy, the retention of Personal Data, or any other aspect of applicable laws compliance should be referred to our DPO.

D. Employee Specific data protection (“Employee Data Policy”)
In addition to the Data Protection and Data Retention Policies outlined above, specific protocols exist in relation to the Personal Data we hold about our employees (“Employee Data”).

D1. Lawful, fair and transparent data processing
Elements of the Personal Data we hold in relation to Employee Data are considered “special category data” or “sensitive personal data”. Since that is the case, in addition to the lawful, fair and transparent data processing outlined in section B3 above, at least one of the following conditions must also be met:

D2.Accountability and record keeping
Our DPO is responsible for overseeing the implementation of this Employee Data Policy and for monitoring compliance with this Employee Data Policy and with the applicable laws and other relevant data protection legislation, as per section B9 of our DP Policy above.

In the case of Employee Data, our DPO does not have access to the data in question. Access to this data is restricted to HR personnel only and certain senior managers and Directors of the Company.

D3.Personal Data
The Employee Data shall be collected, held, and processed in accordance with this Employee Data Policy. This includes:

D4.Health Records
We hold health records on employee Data Subjects which are used to assess the health, wellbeing, and welfare of employees and to highlight any issues which may require further investigation. In particular, we place a high priority on maintaining health and safety in the workplace, on promoting equal opportunities, and on preventing discrimination on the grounds of disability or other medical conditions. In most cases, health data on employees falls within the definition of special category data. Any and all data relating to employee health, therefore, will be collected, held, and processed strictly in accordance with the conditions for processing special category personal data, as set out in section D1 of this Employee Data Policy. No special category Personal Data will be collected, held, or processed without the relevant employee Data Subject’s express consent.

Health records shall be accessible and used only by HR personnel and shall not be revealed to other employees, agents, contractors, or other parties working on our behalf without the express consent of the employee to whom such data relates, except in exceptional circumstances where the wellbeing of the employee to whom the data relates is at stake and such circumstances satisfy one or more of the conditions set out in section D2 above.

Health records will only be collected, held, and processed to the extent required to ensure that employees are able to perform their work correctly, legally, safely, and without unlawful or unfair impediments or discrimination.

Employees have the right to request that we do not keep health records about them. All such requests must be made in writing and addressed to the HR Department.

In cases where employees are enrolled in benefit schemes which are provided by the Company, it may be necessary from time to time for third party organisations to collect Employee Data from relevant employee Data Subjects.

Prior to the collection of such data, employee Data Subjects will be fully informed of the Employee Data that is to be collected, the reasons for its collection, and the way(s) in which it will be processed.

We shall not use any such Employee Data except insofar as is necessary in the administration of the relevant benefits schemes.

D6. Employee Monitoring
We may from time to time monitor the activities of employees. Such monitoring may include, but will not necessarily be limited to, internet and email monitoring. In the event that monitoring of any kind is to take place (unless exceptional circumstances, such as the investigation of criminal activity or a matter of equal severity, justify covert monitoring), employee Data Subjects will be informed of the exact nature of the monitoring in advance.

Monitoring should not (unless exceptional circumstances justify it, as above) interfere with an employee’s normal duties.

Monitoring will only take place if we consider that it is necessary to achieve the benefit it is intended to achieve. Personal data collected during any such monitoring will only be collected, held, and processed for reasons directly related to (and necessary for) achieving the intended result and, at all times, in accordance with the employees’ rights and our obligations under the applicable laws.

We will ensure that there is no unnecessary intrusion upon employees’ personal communications or activities, and under no circumstances will monitoring take place outside of an employee’s normal place of work or work hours, unless the employee in question is using Company equipment or other facilities including, but not limited to, Company email, the Company intranet, or a virtual private network (‘VPN’) service provided by the Company for employee use.

D7.Data Security
As discussed in section D2 above, direct access to Employee Data is restricted to specific personnel, such as the HR Department and other senior members of our management team. The security measures outlined in section B21 of our DP Policy above will be adhered to, with the additional technical instruments provided by our servers which restrict access to authorised personnel only.

  1. Cookies

This cookie policy explains what cookies are and how we use them on our website. You should read this policy so you can understand what type of cookies we use, the information we collect using the cookies and how that information is used. By using our website, you are expressly agreeing that we can use cookies in accordance with this policy.

E2. What are cookies?
Cookies are files which contain a small amount of information. Cookies are stored on the browser or hard drive of your computer or device.

E3. How do we use cookies?
We use cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website and to provide a browsing experience that is unique to you. Cookies are used by us so that our website can remember what you have done whilst browsing, for instance, which pages you have visited.

E4. What type of cookies do we use?
Cookies can be in the form of session cookies or persistent cookies. Session cookies are deleted from your computer or device when you close your web-browser. Persistent cookies will remain stored on your computer or device until deleted or until they reach their expiry date. We use the following cookies:

E5. What kind of information do we collect by using cookies?
When you visit our website, we may automatically collect the following types of information from you: Your internet protocol (IP) address, time zone setting, operating system and platform, information about your visits including the URL you came from, your country, the search terms you used in our website, pages you viewed or searched, page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs) and the methods used to browse away from the page.

E6. How do you block cookies?
Most browsers allow you to refuse cookies. You may block our cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. You can find out more about cookies and how to delete and control them on or click help in your browser menu.

If you block our use of cookies, you may be unable to access certain areas of our website and certain functions and pages will not work in the usual way.

E7. How we can change the Cookie Policy
We may update this policy from time to time. Changes in technology, legislation and authorities’ guidance may require us to inform you of the activities we undertake where it affects your privacy rights. The latest version of this policy will always be displayed on our website and you can check that page at any time to ensure you are familiar with any changes that have been made.

  1. Implementation of Policy

This Policy and the individual policies and procedures outlined herein shall be deemed effective as of May 4, 2022. No part of this Policy shall have retroactive effect and shall thus apply only to matters occurring on or after this date.

This Policy has been approved and authorised by:
Sandra Yeghiazarian