Constant Dedication with Aziz Mashaan

Professional footballer Aziz Mashaan on rituals, house music and focus.

Constant Dedication with Aziz Mashaan
Omaia Jallad

Professional Kuwaiti footballer Aziz Mashaan (Instagram) has represented his country over 40 times and been playing football since the age of six. A lover of deep house, he’s committed to his sport, and grateful for his fans and family.

Growing up, did you always want to be a professional footballer?

Football has always been my passion since I was a kid. I started my journey by joining the Qadsia Academy in Kuwait when I was six years old. From that moment on, becoming a professional footballer was my dream and my goal in life. From the moment I woke up until the time I got to bed, I was only thinking about football. 

How do you stay focused and make split-second decisions during high-pressure moments on the field?

Self-motivation helps me keep my composure and make the right decisions when the pressure is on. Moreover, consistent practice and trust in the experience I gained in Kuwait, Belgium and the Czech Republic help me in the heat of the moment.

Aziz Mashaan

Are there any pre-match rituals or superstitions that you follow to help you get into the right mindset before a game?

I do have some pre-match rituals! I mostly follow a routine that helps me stay focused: taking a cold shower before heading to the match and listening to music.

What music do you enjoy listening to when you’re gearing up for a match or simply relaxing?

Deep house, especially oriental deep house. One of my favorite DJs is Valeron; whenever I hear the first note of Oud, it brings me back to the best summer memories.

Aziz Mashaan

How do you handle moments of adversity and maintain a positive mindset?

 Injuries were the toughest time of my career, and I was lucky enough to have my fans and family behind me. Once, I got over 20 stitches on my lip, and I had to wear a mask while playing. It was during the peak of my career, and fans created a song for me to help me keep going.

Who has been your greatest source of inspiration and support throughout your football journey?

I grew up in a sports-oriented family; my brother is a football coach today, and my dad used to play football himself. Since I was a kid, my dad has been my constant source of support. He believed in me and used to travel with me all over Europe to do trials at Manchester United, Sporting Lisbon, Benfica… At the time, traveling involved some sacrifices, which pushed me to give my best on the pitch and influenced my career choices.

What sports do you enjoy watching or playing in your free time?

I like watching and playing all kinds of sports: tennis – I’m a big fan of Roger Federer, running 5 to 10K plays a major part in my daily routine, which helps me focus and stay in shape. Moreover, I love to do fitness classes; for instance, for the past year, I’ve been consistent with spinning on Saturday mornings at Motion to start the weekend full of energy with my wife and friends.

Aziz Mashaan

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